©2025 GovPay.lk

You can obtain the services of the following institutions through the GovPay system

GovPay systems can be accessed through any of the participating banks listed. These services are integrated within your standard banking application, ensuring convenience and ease of use. Transactions are conducted in the same manner as your regular banking operations. Should you encounter any challenges or require assistance in utilizing these services, it is recommended to contact your bank directly for guidance, as the specific process may vary between institutions.

GovPay Supported Organisations

Associated Services

RPU & B Pass Renewal
Staff Payments (Termination/Resignation)
Supplier registration Fees
Tender Fee
Testing of Chemical Parameters
Water Isotope services
Radiation Processing Section
Irradiation services
Welder Qualification certificate
CBNDT Certification
NCNDT Training Courses
NCNDT Inspection
Disused Radioactive Source Management
Emergency preparedness
Radiation Monitoring Services
Fabrication/repair of nuclear Instruments
SSDL services
Public Awareness, Training & Education

Upcoming Organisations

(Within Next 6 Months in phases)