©2025 GovPay.lk

You can obtain the services of the following institutions through the GovPay system

GovPay systems can be accessed through any of the participating banks listed. These services are integrated within your standard banking application, ensuring convenience and ease of use. Transactions are conducted in the same manner as your regular banking operations. Should you encounter any challenges or require assistance in utilizing these services, it is recommended to contact your bank directly for guidance, as the specific process may vary between institutions.

GovPay Supported Organisations

Associated Services

Radio Frequency Fee/ Fixed Service/ Network (Point to Point-Operator/ None Operator)
Radio Frequency Fee/ Fixed Service/ Data Service
Radio Frequency Fee/ Broadcast/ TV
Radio Frequency Fee/ Broadcast/ FM
Radio Frequency Fee/ Amateur Radio/ AR Private
Radio Frequency Fee/ Aeronautical/ Aircraft Station
Radio Frequency Fee/ Aeronautical/ Aeronautical Mobile
DD- Staff Welfare and Training
CC- Infrastructure Development
BB- Medical Equipment
AA- Essential Medicines
Vocational Skills Training Programs
Department Certificate Fee
Examination Fee
Convocation Fee
Course Fee
Student Registration Fee
RPL Certification
Vocational Skills Training Programs
Bachelor of Information Technology (External)

Upcoming Organisations

(Within Next 6 Months in phases)