©2025 GovPay.lk

You can obtain the services of the following institutions through the GovPay system

GovPay systems can be accessed through any of the participating banks listed. These services are integrated within your standard banking application, ensuring convenience and ease of use. Transactions are conducted in the same manner as your regular banking operations. Should you encounter any challenges or require assistance in utilizing these services, it is recommended to contact your bank directly for guidance, as the specific process may vary between institutions.

GovPay Supported Organisations

Associated Services

Security Bonds
Renting of Building and Office Premises
Cultivation/ Harvesting in Departmental Land
Short-term Course fees
Examination Fee
Application Fee
Issuing of Journals, Articles, Past Papers and Certificates
Circuit Bungalow Reservation Fee
Issuing of Digital Data for Subdivision and Amalgamation
Issuing of Control Point Information
Issuing of Plan Copies and Tenement Lists
Map Sale
Survey Fee
Clearing License Registration
Clearing License Renewal
RPU & A Pass Registration
RPU & A Pass Renewal
RPU & B Pass Registration

Upcoming Organisations

(Within Next 6 Months in phases)